Olle Samuelsson, according to himself, lives a “normal life”, in the same everyday life as everyone else. Every day the same things happen. A boy whose fate has already been decided. Unhappy as he is, he does everything to change his life. To change everyday life. What begins with small changes is getting bigger and bigger. From eating an orange in a new way to suddenly have blood on your hands.
This film is the last in the trilogy of Olle Samuelsson.
Nullam eget fermentum ligula. Etiam non tortor auctor neque maximus dapibus in non turpis. Donec ultrices tellus neque, non consectetur leo dignissim in. Donec massa lorem, dignissim sed pellentesque vitae, sagittis id arcu. Maecenas at nunc libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin nisl eros, luctus tempus ipsum id, tristique interdum nisl. Maecenas efficitur euismod erat eget maximus. Sed enim quam, ultricies sit amet efficitur at, sollicitudin sed nulla. Curabitur non metus ornare diam luctus facilisis ut eu libero. Phasellus quis massa enim, montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam erat volutpat lorem.
Olle Samuelsson, according to himself, lives a “normal life”, in the same everyday life as everyone else. Every day the same things happen. A boy whose fate has already been decided. Unhappy as he is, he does everything to change his life. To change everyday life. What begins with small changes is getting bigger and bigger. From eating an orange in a new way to suddenly have blood on your hands.
This film is the last in the trilogy of Olle Samuelsson.